Friday, October 2, 2009

Trying to be a sponge

Today I was reminded of the idea that we are made up of little pieces of everyone we have ever met...Then I thought in this place where I have exposure to so many different people, the best thing I can do is to be a sponge..take it all in and grow...if I can take a piece of everyone I meet here, that will be a blessing..... So I prayed...Lord help me to be a sponge

It has been another good week...this group is so fun and supportive...I have had more than my fair share of laughs this week...we did many good works and enjoyed good company...thanks for the memories


1 comment:

  1. i like that...i think everyone we meet somehow changes us, even if it's in some imperceptible way...and it's a beautiful thought, to keep a little of everyone with us :)
