As the summer groups end, me and Alex (along with Abby and Allison) start the school groups again. Our first group together was McNick high school. It was exciting to have our first group over again, but also a little nerve wracking. So many things had changed in the year, I knew I was very different. I was anxious to see how I would feel repeating groups. Overall, it was great! Things were easy and fun and I gained good perspective on my journey. Thank you for that.
The repeat groups allowed us to work with some of our favorites. Oh how fun! They were different than last year. They had different students, the work was different, and even the same people had changed in a year as I had. Yet, it was sill fun. We no longer had to go through all of the stupid get to know you stuff that you do when first meeting people, but we were able to connect on a deeper level. Alex made a good point. He said that relationship made at the farm although developed over a short time are deep and real. They are built around God and are thus created on a solid foundation. They are strong and long lasting because they are real. Being mine and Alex’s last full group together…well I lost it. Cried many times. Yet, they were tears of thankfulness for the friendship and the good times. Also tears that were scared to say goodbye. Over the next couple weeks, I was able to come to terms with his departure. I was able to say bye to many with him. With Alex leaving and saying bye, I felt it really was the ending of our year, mine his and Jamie’s…true friends till the end! As Alex left, I entered my new term, with Abby and Allison. So, Alex leaving was hard for me because I was losing the brother I had lived and worked with for over a year. And, I was not sure when I would see him next. Yet, with all the time I had to say bye, I was at a good place dropping him off in Chicago. I knew we would remain close. I also knew it was time for him to move on. As I drove away, back to the farm, well I felt weird. Part of me felt left behind that perhaps I should be moving on too. And yet, deep down I knew I was not ready to leave yet. And so, begins my second term at the farm. With an undetermined end date…trusting God to show me when I am done here. Until then, I remain happy to be doing this work. Still missing my family at home, but trying to show my KY family how much they mean to me while I am here.
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