Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Experiences

This week has been great so far...and when the group leaves I will write the normal reflection raving about how wonderful it was. Today instead in the few quick moments Ive been reflecting on the past few weeks and months and all of the things I have experienced...I am so excited to come home Saturday and I am the same...but also looking back I feel different too. I think for one thing I have my priorities in order and I realize the importance of rest. I am happy here, but being away I do miss home. And, maybe being a little farther away made me realize even more just how fortunate I am.

Now I am no longer afraid to get lost or knock on a strangers door...showering once a week, not wearing make up, and work boots are everyday dress, I am for once comfortable not stressing about running, and for once a fan of cats...I know how to compost and empty grease traps...I can chainsaw and do construction...and am a pro at packing a couple hundred boxes of food. I have buried a cat,and put insulation into a house, and ripped rose bushes and logs with a truck and a chain...I've learned to sew and to cook for many...I have also most recently backed a 15 passenger van into a ditch and had to be pulled out by the construction workers vehicle...I've been challenged physically and mentally and I can't wait to share everything with those I love at home

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