This week Jamie is in DC visiting and me and Alex are left to our own devices. As newer farm managers it is our challenge to handle the farm without Jamie here. We have to plan for the next group...which is our biggest one yet, so its our time to really test our abilities. Being active individuals, we have already created quite the schedule for ourselves this week. Yesterday we spent a few hours cleaning up the clothing pantry..preparing it for this weekend's handout. We had a mini adventure when we heard some mice and Alex was brave enough to pick up the chocolate box they we hiding in...we drove them to a field and dropped them off...hopefully they wont make it back to the pantry.
Today we are planning for the next group and packing commodities at Licking Valley. Then, I am meeting some women at church to start our sewing project!! Following that, we have another church a busy day..but in a good way
Good thing you saved the mice instead of killing them. Otherwise, according to our covenant you would have had to lock yourselves in the toolshed.