So they say Hind sight is 20/20... I have learned something this week even while away from the farm. I find that sometimes when you are in the midst of something it seems worse than it is, more important than it is, a bigger issue than it is, or sometimes even better than it really is....
Sometimes it takes the removal of oneself from a situation to see the true perspective...looking back things in the past look a little differently...perhaps also in the future when writing posts I should reflect more before writing on my experience directly afterwards...sometimes time is all you need....visiting home and visiting Marist and my team this week were great! and yet, seeing my self just a few months ago...a person equally as concerned with some of the same issues that I now find....not as consuming...well, its an interesting perspective
Come As You ARE: telling the story of a young woman and her move from Poughquag New York to Lewis County KY and then back again
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Bishop Hendriken
Last week we had the pleasure of hosting Bishop Hendriken High School from RI. There is so much to was a great week, the guys had lots of energy. They really held community as a priority and were eager to experience all they could at the farm. Sometimes for me, back to back groups are challenging in the fact that I am emotionally drained. This week especially the first half I felt I wasn't giving 100% to the group b/c I was tired...somehow I felt guilty about this. However, the week went great and it was a lesson for me that number one: I am learning slowly that I still have lots to learn and two: that its not all about me. I realised that the week people come to the farm and the work done are all about God. When we have a successful week...its not us doing it, its God working through us...and also that sometimes what we classify as good and bad well...are not ours to judge.....ultimately in the end I learned that I am not in control.
Now removed from the week I think of packing many food boxes, visiting wild woman and seeing the boys feed the cows hay from their mouths, putting in and cutting insulation, backing the van into a ditch, almost sliding the van off the bridge, delivering firewood and moving Christmas supplies...from rock climbing and pirate fighting...their were many laughs...thanks guys for a great week
Now removed from the week I think of packing many food boxes, visiting wild woman and seeing the boys feed the cows hay from their mouths, putting in and cutting insulation, backing the van into a ditch, almost sliding the van off the bridge, delivering firewood and moving Christmas supplies...from rock climbing and pirate fighting...their were many laughs...thanks guys for a great week
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Experiences
This week has been great so far...and when the group leaves I will write the normal reflection raving about how wonderful it was. Today instead in the few quick moments Ive been reflecting on the past few weeks and months and all of the things I have experienced...I am so excited to come home Saturday and I am the same...but also looking back I feel different too. I think for one thing I have my priorities in order and I realize the importance of rest. I am happy here, but being away I do miss home. And, maybe being a little farther away made me realize even more just how fortunate I am.
Now I am no longer afraid to get lost or knock on a strangers door...showering once a week, not wearing make up, and work boots are everyday dress, I am for once comfortable not stressing about running, and for once a fan of cats...I know how to compost and empty grease traps...I can chainsaw and do construction...and am a pro at packing a couple hundred boxes of food. I have buried a cat,and put insulation into a house, and ripped rose bushes and logs with a truck and a chain...I've learned to sew and to cook for many...I have also most recently backed a 15 passenger van into a ditch and had to be pulled out by the construction workers vehicle...I've been challenged physically and mentally and I can't wait to share everything with those I love at home
Now I am no longer afraid to get lost or knock on a strangers door...showering once a week, not wearing make up, and work boots are everyday dress, I am for once comfortable not stressing about running, and for once a fan of cats...I know how to compost and empty grease traps...I can chainsaw and do construction...and am a pro at packing a couple hundred boxes of food. I have buried a cat,and put insulation into a house, and ripped rose bushes and logs with a truck and a chain...I've learned to sew and to cook for many...I have also most recently backed a 15 passenger van into a ditch and had to be pulled out by the construction workers vehicle...I've been challenged physically and mentally and I can't wait to share everything with those I love at home
Sunday, November 15, 2009
All about Perspective
Whatever the reason, last week left me especially tired. Many of the individuals were great and got so much out of the especially for their sake...I wish I could have given it more...I guess the way I could have given it more was to remember that its not all about me...regardless of how I am feeling...I still have to give my all...and remain open to the way for me that it could have been better was that at times there seemed to be a lack of community. Almost every meal there was not food left for those at the end of the line no matter how many times we reminded people about portion control...also getting volunteers for things was like pulling teeth many times...small things like that add up and make it difficult to live in an intentional present minded, voluntary simple lifestyle...small things... that do not seem important represent so much more...that for a week at least we are attempting to live a different way...its not about those individual small things but the bigger picture and what those things represent in our lives....anyways in the end there were many improvements in the group...and many got the just wiped us completely. The positive side was that as a three person team, us farm managers learned to handle many situations and we feel way more prepared to do so in the future. Overall it was a week of learning.
So, I would like to thank our last group for showing me a lot about myself and my coworkers and for still trying to experience things here despite everything. Thanks for keeping up the effort...I hope you remember all you learned at the farm.
This week, we've already got another group here...all boys from Rhode Island...nice to have people that have actually heard about my home and know being form New York does not mean I'm from the city...its nice to hear a New England accent also...reminds me of far so good...until next time,
the ever learning farm manager,
So, I would like to thank our last group for showing me a lot about myself and my coworkers and for still trying to experience things here despite everything. Thanks for keeping up the effort...I hope you remember all you learned at the farm.
This week, we've already got another group here...all boys from Rhode Island...nice to have people that have actually heard about my home and know being form New York does not mean I'm from the city...its nice to hear a New England accent also...reminds me of far so good...until next time,
the ever learning farm manager,
Thursday, November 12, 2009
New perspectives
Hey everyone...
as times get busier...posts become last on my priority list...I am good...its just been a long one. I am off to the dentist today so had some time to sneak in and write something quick...more to come but lets just say this week has been a challenging one...and yet at the same time...a good one because my perspectives have changed a bit...seeing God in it all...the hard and the easy...the struggles as blessings...well that is a blessing...updates to follow tomorrow...for now I'm off too the dentist to hopefully stop my need to tie my teeth together with dental floss
peace and love,
as times get busier...posts become last on my priority list...I am good...its just been a long one. I am off to the dentist today so had some time to sneak in and write something quick...more to come but lets just say this week has been a challenging one...and yet at the same time...a good one because my perspectives have changed a bit...seeing God in it all...the hard and the easy...the struggles as blessings...well that is a blessing...updates to follow tomorrow...for now I'm off too the dentist to hopefully stop my need to tie my teeth together with dental floss
peace and love,
Friday, November 6, 2009
Busy busy bees
This week was mainly the Colleen and Alex show since Jamie was away. Not being used to complete off weeks ...we kept ourselves pretty busy...Tuesday we ran some errands in town and then I got to sew with some women at church and attend a meeting about taking negativity out of my everyday habits and eventually my life
Wednesday me and Alex wanted to go on an adventure...being on a low budget we decided to head to Blue Licks battle field...we walked some trails made by buffalo herds years ago...saw the place of the Blue Licks battle and saw the site of old springs and old hotels during the 1800s...pretty neat all in all(pictures to follow at a later date)...we finished the nice day off with some time at applebees...a treat in civilization
Thursday we helped hand out government commodities at Licking Valley, went to mass and then went to Wild Woman's to share a pizza and watch survivor...we were spoiled
(today I also broke part of my permanent retainer even was frustrating because something so small but for some reason bothered me...eventually through moms guidance and some nice people in town I have the name of a dentist in town I can hopefully see next Friday...hope my teeth don't move too much...still..something so small and silly...not sure why it was so frustrating)
Last but not least, today was handout day at the Pantry. Jamie was back and it was the first time all three of us were there for an entire pantry day. Although lots of work, I love pantry days. I have been lucky enough to work every handout since i have been here. I now recognize many of the people coming in and I know the system...its fun! Today was a good handout...the clothing section was pretty it gets colder we try and put warmer stuff out. In total we had about 230 pretty good. There were many new faces. One highlight of the day was showing a young couple a fake Christmas tree we had in the back...they took it for their new have for their first Christmas together...pretty cool...also we got to give George at the food pantry the 600 dollar check one of the Notre Dame students raised and mailed to us...that was a good thing as well...other than was a good day with good, I am tired and ready to rest up until our next group comes in tomorrow
until next time,
peace and love,
Wednesday me and Alex wanted to go on an adventure...being on a low budget we decided to head to Blue Licks battle field...we walked some trails made by buffalo herds years ago...saw the place of the Blue Licks battle and saw the site of old springs and old hotels during the 1800s...pretty neat all in all(pictures to follow at a later date)...we finished the nice day off with some time at applebees...a treat in civilization
Thursday we helped hand out government commodities at Licking Valley, went to mass and then went to Wild Woman's to share a pizza and watch survivor...we were spoiled
(today I also broke part of my permanent retainer even was frustrating because something so small but for some reason bothered me...eventually through moms guidance and some nice people in town I have the name of a dentist in town I can hopefully see next Friday...hope my teeth don't move too much...still..something so small and silly...not sure why it was so frustrating)
Last but not least, today was handout day at the Pantry. Jamie was back and it was the first time all three of us were there for an entire pantry day. Although lots of work, I love pantry days. I have been lucky enough to work every handout since i have been here. I now recognize many of the people coming in and I know the system...its fun! Today was a good handout...the clothing section was pretty it gets colder we try and put warmer stuff out. In total we had about 230 pretty good. There were many new faces. One highlight of the day was showing a young couple a fake Christmas tree we had in the back...they took it for their new have for their first Christmas together...pretty cool...also we got to give George at the food pantry the 600 dollar check one of the Notre Dame students raised and mailed to us...that was a good thing as well...other than was a good day with good, I am tired and ready to rest up until our next group comes in tomorrow
until next time,
peace and love,
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Alex and Colleen...weekoff activities
This week Jamie is in DC visiting and me and Alex are left to our own devices. As newer farm managers it is our challenge to handle the farm without Jamie here. We have to plan for the next group...which is our biggest one yet, so its our time to really test our abilities. Being active individuals, we have already created quite the schedule for ourselves this week. Yesterday we spent a few hours cleaning up the clothing pantry..preparing it for this weekend's handout. We had a mini adventure when we heard some mice and Alex was brave enough to pick up the chocolate box they we hiding in...we drove them to a field and dropped them off...hopefully they wont make it back to the pantry.
Today we are planning for the next group and packing commodities at Licking Valley. Then, I am meeting some women at church to start our sewing project!! Following that, we have another church a busy day..but in a good way
Today we are planning for the next group and packing commodities at Licking Valley. Then, I am meeting some women at church to start our sewing project!! Following that, we have another church a busy day..but in a good way
Saying Goodbye to St. Martha's youth group
This past weekend we hosted a group from st.Marthas youth group. Although it can be hard to live and understand the farm in just a weekend...they did a great job! The one work day we gave them was very successful..they were fun to be around. I got to help cover a water pipe and also deliver firewood. At night since it was Halloween we took them to the Haunted Hotel in town...I was was all in good fun though! So, thanks guys for all you work and your company!!
Also, this weekend some very good firends of mine from my Kentucky experience came to visit...Jamie, Dave, Abby and Dan...the group represented my home in this area and it was such a gift to spend some time with them...reminded me of why I love that week so much!
Also, this weekend some very good firends of mine from my Kentucky experience came to visit...Jamie, Dave, Abby and Dan...the group represented my home in this area and it was such a gift to spend some time with them...reminded me of why I love that week so much!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thank You St. Dennis!!

I just wanted to extend a huge thank you to the St. Dennis Youth group!! Thanks guys for collecting and sending us the school supplies. They are here, and we have sorted them to be distributed to the schools this week. They will be a great help!
Thanks for extending your help and opening your heart to those you have yet to meet.
(Here are some pictures of us farm managers sorting through all of the wonderful supplies.)
Thank you again!
Wishing you Peace and many Blessings,
with love,
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