So, with the nice weather I decided it was time to move my butt and get running again. Yesterday was a beautiful day...light mist..a little cold. but good running conditions. First mile, I'm feeling a little winded but it feels good to I make it up the first big hill, I'm greeted by a decent sized dog, one that has never bothered me before...well he jumped and lept..and ran at me...scratched...and tried to nip for about a mile. Good thing I was in a full spandex suit so he couldn't really do anything...I think he was just playing around b/c he wasn't really trying to bite and his tail was wagging...but it was annoying/ frustrating on my part. I tried everything to shake him. First, ignore, don't make eye contact and walk away...didn't work. I tried yelling in a deeper voice...didn't work. I tried running...and standing...didn't work. When he tried to nip me...well i hit him hard in the face...didn't work...I even tried to pet him...which worked for a second until he went at me again...anyways long story short...looks like I might have to find a new running route.
The best part of the whole event was when I made it back to the house...I was hoping to give the dog a scare...hoping our dogs who bark at everything would at least bark at not exactly. I had to go into their dog houses, pull them out, show them the dog...and then they chased it off...when it came back on the property...they didn't seem to care...again I had to drag them over to me and then they barked and kind of scared it running route to be planned. Oh, and do not worry...I am completely fine and was not in any real danger...the dog wasn't really vicious...just didn't understand I didn't want to play...the worst part was walking into the house...covered in mud...from the dog jumping on me. Anyways....theres always a lesson to be learned right?
After that incident, I spent the rest f the day inside. I sewed an outfit for the build-a bear Michaela bought me for posted at a later date. Also, cleaned and got ready for our road trip. The next few days the farm managers are going on a trip. We are visiting our friends who came down to the farm a few months ago. Which should be great!! Also, we are stopping on the way at Costco...and dropping off one of our many cats(who keep wandering on the farm) at a shelter...bye CC...its been nice...but now onto better things.
For now, signing off...Ohio here we come!
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