Sorry for the lack of entries lately. The past three weeks have been great, but crazy...they consumed all I had. We served with over 80 college students for the past three weeks. It was a lot to coordinate, a lot of work to do, and lots of stories to hear and was awesome...but tiring.
I know the whole point of the blog is to update you on my life and how I am doing and events at the farm...and well when things get busy that just gets hard. With the 80+ students the past three weeks there is so much to remember, I almost feel as if I should have taken notes or something...but it was just a lot, so sorry for the vagueness. Overall, it was a blur, it was a challenge and we got a lot done. I met so many amazing people and heard so many stories. We laughed and was a challenge. There are so many things to process....
Two of the main things that stick out to me are first that there really are many many wonderful people out there, doing good...I was impressed by all of you..who you are and what you aim to be. Sometimes when you look around the world, you forget that.
Also, I realised how different my life is right now from that of a year ago...not only my location and what I am doing, but how I am doing. Last year at this time I was on a cruise with forty of my friends,still in school, still near to home,(supposed to have everything..on the top of the world) yet I may not have been completely see, I was much more physically fit but emotionally and spiritually I was a bit lost. Here now, I am far from "home"( I have made many strong connections here but am still far from those who have been important in my life for years). I am physically unfit...the most out of shape in years..and yet I am happy...I am emotionally fit and at peace...feeling spiritually strong and closer to God... no matter what comes I feel ready...I am far from home and often miss home, but I am still its a trade off...but interesting to compare
Overall, these weeks were challenging emotionally-I had to learn to assert myself(I HATE confrontations) order to be a good leader. I also had to let go and trust God that I would have enough energy to make it through...trying to put others first. At times it was really hard to keep being open, and keep telling my story and sincerely listening when I was tired....but struggling through times succeeding, and others not...well it was a lesson I am glad to have learned. If I am not healthy I can not be there for others.
phew...that was a lot...and the volunteers did sooooo much! They worked tirelessly at the pantry..and even helped clear out the clothing dream! They visited with many of the community, cleaning houses and bringing cheer.. ears for listening, smiles for sharing, and hearts for caring. They worked with the construction crew..finishing up some rehabs and starting work on a pretty cool energy efficient house right in town. They handed food out at the pantry and at the senior center. They saw wild woman and scooped her cow's poo for our garden and even fixed her cow's awesome!! Around the farm...well so much was done. We now have blue picnic tables and a box for firewood. We have a revamped woodshed, shiny floors and painted bunk walls. Our garden is prepped for planting and our trails are clear...just in time for spring! We have chopped wood and sewed food bags and cleaned...etc etc etc....thank you thank you thank you!
For me, I was able to have some firsts also...I was given a grease trap shower, I went on my first run in a month, I learned how to make a barbed wire fence, and I even got to use a power! Mags and sybil came to visit..which was awesome...just wish it was longer! Also, no vehicle accidents thanks to our new 3ft reflectors on the bridge. Overall, it was a blur, it was was a blessing. I was pushed farther than I thought I could was totally worth it. Thank you all who served with were great!
Now, we are off and its time to rest.
peace and God bless,